
This the­saurus is a for­mal­ized glos­sary of terms and con­cepts used in com­par­a­tive lit­er­a­ture, trans­la­tion the­ory, com­par­a­tive prosody and com­par­a­tive poet­ics. The con­cepts are linked by seman­tic rela­tions. The the­saurus can both spec­ify the poetic texts (i.e., pri­mary lit­er­a­ture) and con­cep­tu­al­ize research texts (i.e., sec­ondary lit­er­a­ture).

The The­saurus is a con­cept map of the field it describes. In other words, its top­i­cal struc­ture arrange­ment can be used as the ontol­ogy of this prob­lem area. At the same time, the back­bone of the the­saurus can form the basis of a his­tor­i­cal dic­tio­nary of terms used in com­par­a­tive lit­er­ary stud­ies.

The the­saurus con­sists of three parts: a top­i­cally arranged glos­sary, a selec­tion of entries and an alpha­bet­i­cal index. Entries can be browsed through either in con­sec­u­tive order, or by jump­ing to the selected entry (i.e., the required arti­cle from the glos­sary). The “The­saurus” sub­sys­tem is described in more detail here.

At this stage, the the­saurus is frag­men­tary. Entries are added as soon as they are ready.