«Искрились ясных глаз живые свечи...»
Истина и Басня
«Исток страданий, ярости притон...»
«Источник горестей, обитель гнева...»
«Источник скорби, бешенства обитель...»
«Итак, Сеннуччо, лишь наполовину...»
This index contains a list of titles and incipits of Russian works comprised in the Corpus subsystem. This includes the titles and incipits of Russian poetic translations from the Romance languages (French, Italian, Spanish or Portuguese), as well as the titles of prosaic Russian translations that have served as intermediaries in the creation of Russian translated verse texts. If a work has more than one title, they are all represented in the index.
Click on a title to get the complete bibliographical description of a work. It will appear in the dialog box that opens above the main content area. A hyperlink from a short title of a work leads to its full text as represented in the Corpus. Click the “ALSO AVAILABLE IN THE LIBRARY” button to jump to the facsimile image of the publication of this title in the Library subsystem.
The index reflects the current state of the information system.