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“Stanza” refers to the properties of the sequences of lines within a poem (i.e. properties of stanzas and fixed verse forms) and is constituted by three parameters: “Stanza or fixed form”, “Clausula” (the sequence of line endings in a stanza or a stanza-like pattern) and “Rhyme” (the rhyme sequence in a stanza or a stanza-like pattern). Other aspects of catalexis and rhyme do not apply to the stanza.
This section is a mockup of a future index of stanzaic forms. For now, it only includes a list of stanzas (quatrain, ottava rima, etc.) and fixed forms (rondeau, sonnet, etc.), ignoring specific rhyme-clausula sequences. This subsection allows the user to find poems written in a given stanza or representing a given fixed form (the list of poems reflects the current state of the information system).
Texts written in specific stanzaic forms (quatrains with rhyme schemes abab, abba, aabb, etc.) can be found using Advanced Search. A full index of stanzaic forms is planned, as a separate task, for the next stage of the project.