Ювенал Д. Юний
Iuvenalis, Decimus Iunius; Ювенал, Децим Юний
Iuvenalis D. Iunius; Ювенал Д. Юний
около 60 — после 127
древнеримский поэт-сатирик
This index is a list of names of poets and translators, whose works are found in the Texts section of the Library subsystem.
Click on the author’s name to get the list of his/her works. It displays in a new dialog box. A hyperlink from a work’s short title leads to the facsimile image of the publication of this title in the Library. Click the “ALSO AVAILABLE IN THE CORPUS” button to jump to the full text of this title in the Corpus subsystem.
The index reflects the current state of the information system.